• Any form of intoxicants (alcohol, drugs etc) and preparation or consumption of foods such as meat, fish and eggs are not permitted on Gurdwara property.
• Guru-ka-Langar should be prepared and observed in accordance to Gurus' maryada (tradition).
• No person under the influence of intoxicants is allowed inside Gurdwara property.
• Inside the property of the Guru Sahibs, only the recital of Gurbani, katha, kirtan and reccounting of the Gurus' history are permitted.
• Buildings bought or constructed using the Daswand (one tenth of earnings) of the Sikh Sangat or Gurdwara donations are solely to be used to be used for Gurmat purposes and the betterment of society.
• Anand Karajs (Sikh wedding ceremonies) etc must be performed in Gurdwaras in accordance to Gurmat and the Panthic accepted Sikh Rehit Maryada.
• There is no permission granted for dancing and singing or any acts which go against the principles of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.