Monday, 28 March 2011

Friday, 18 March 2011

Clarification by Satkaar Campaign's Sevadaars

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

The Satkaar Campaign's Sevadaars, on request of the Sunderland Sikh Association (the SAA), have been asked to clarify the matters in the following paragraph. We are, of course, happy to do this since these matters represent points on which we are in full agreement with the SSA committee.

The SSA committee have mentioned that they are upset that certain individuals have made misleading or false statements which have exaggerated certain facts. To the extent that this has happened (which we are unable to verify), the Satkaar Campaign's Sevadaars once again request all Sangat members to never make threatening phone calls or send abusive text messages, or knowingly spread false allegations on forums/public websites in the name of promoting Gurmat Maryada. To the extent that any individuals have taken such actions, the Satkaar Campaign cannot be held responsible for their actions, and once again, the Satkaar Campaign requests individuals to refrain from such unacceptable behaviour.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Sunderland Sikh Association agrees to stop meat and alcohol parties


Press Release and Sangat Update - Sunderland, UK
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Sunderland Sikh Association agrees to stop meat and alcohol parties in Gurdwara complex

Sikh Council UK assistance greatly appreciated by Satkaar Campaign

Further to our previous Sangat Updates on Friday 11 March 2011 and Tuesday 15 March 2011, each of which can be seen on our blog, in relation to a party with meat and alcohol to be held at the Sikh Leisure Centre, which forms part of the Gurdwara complex of the Sunderland Sikh Association (the SSA), on Saturday 19 March 2011, the Satkaar Campaign further engaged with the Sikh Council UK (the SCUK) and the SSA committee to ensure that Akaal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh is complied with at the SSA.

With the blessings of Guru Ji and the active participation in this matter by the UK Sangat, the SSA committee have taken the bold and positive step to stop taking further bookings for meat and alcohol parties being held at the Sikh Leisure Centre.

We understand that this hall had been running for the last 10 or so years. The UK Sangat, even prior to the conception of the Satkaar Campaign, has been working for the last 5-6 years to stop meat and alcohol parties at this hall. To their credit, we understand the SSA committee passed a resolution in July 2010 signalling their intent to stop parties at this hall, though no firm deadlines were given as to when this would take place. Further bookings have taken place since July 2010. However, after receiving requests from the UK Sangat, the Satkaar Campaign and the SCUK, the SSA committee formally passed a resolution on Sunday 12 March 2011 confirming that no further bookings for parties at this hall will be taken. A copy of this resolution, signed by President of the SSA, Manjit Singh Cheema, is attached:

We also attach a reply to our letter to them from the SCUK in relation to the Sunderland issue specifically, and more generally, which expresses the SCUK's support for the underlying principles of the Satkaar Campaign, which is to ensure implementation of Akaal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh:

We are fully in agreement with the SCUK's statement that all issues relating to the Satkaar Campaign should be resolved peacefully through dialogue and debate in a mutually respectful manner. We will continually strive to meet the Campaign's objectives in this manner. However, where Gurdwara Parbandhik committees refuse deliberately to comply with Gurmat Maryada and the 2006 Sandesh of Akaal Takhat Sahib, which is the highest authority for Sikhs worldwide, we may be compelled to call a PEACEFUL protest to raise awareness of the Beadbi taking place. However, this will be a last resort only to ensure that the Satkaar for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj is maintained, when all other forms of dialogue have failed.

We are thankful to the SCUK for their involvement on this issue, and we believe that their engagement made a notable contribution to resolving the SSA issue. As the leading umbrella Sikh organisation which represents the UK Sangat, the Satkaar Campaign looks up to the SCUK in this regard, and we wish to continue working hand-in-hand with the SCUK in ensuring that all UK Gurdwaras follow the 2006 Sandesh so that the authority of Akaal Takhat Sahib is not undermined and maximum Satkaar for Sri Guru Granth Ji Maharaaj is maintained.

Finally, we would like to point out that we understand there are 5 existing bookings at the SSA's Sikh Leisure Centre, which run until mid-September including, as mentioned above, a party this coming Saturday 19 March 2011. We have requested the SSA committee to liaise with the families that have booked such existing parties to have them re-located to another venue not linked to the Gurdwara Sahib, so as to prevent the Beadbi that will otherwise occur. The SSA have agreed to make such requests to the relevant families. Upon request by the SSA committee, Satkaar Campaign Sevadaars will also be willing to have any discussion required with an affected family. We pray that the relevant families agree to move their parties away from the SSA Gurdwara complex.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Sunderland Gurdwara Update - engagement from SCUK


Press Release and Sangat Update - Sunderland, UK
Tuesday 15 March 2011

Satkaar Campaign engages with Sikh Council UK in relation to meat and alcohol party to be held Sunderland Gurdwara complex

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Further to our previous Sangat Update on Friday 11 March 2011 (which can be seen on our blog) in relation to a party with meat and alcohol to be held at the Gurdwara complex of the Sunderland Sikh Association (the SSA), we have been engaging with the Sikh Council UK (the SCUK) for their assistance in ensuring that Akaal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh is complied with at the SSA. It must be noted that the SSA is a member organisation of the SCUK and one of its representatives is an Executive Committee member of the SCUK. Our letter to the SCUK is attached:
We understand that Sevadaars of the SCUK have held positive discussions with the SSA regarding their compliance with the 2006 Sandesh. We are waiting for written confirmation of the current position from the SCUK and/or the SSA, though we understand that the SSA has made a verbal commitment to stop parties with meat and alcohol being held at the SSA after a certain period.

The Satkaar Campaign wishes to thank the SCUK for its current positive engagement on issues of Satkaar for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj. As the leading umbrella Sikh organisation which represents the UK Sangat, the Satkaar Campaign looks up to the SCUK in this regard, and we wish to work hand-in-hand with the SCUK in ensuring that all UK Gurdwaras follow the 2006 Sandesh so that the authority of Akaal Takhat Sahib is not undermined and maximum Satkaar for Sri Guru Granth Ji Maharaaj is maintained.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Friday, 11 March 2011

Sunderland Gurdwara Update


Press Release and Sangat Update - Sunderland, UK
Thursday 10 March 2011

Meat and alcohol to be served at Sunderland Gurdwara complex on Saturday 19 March

Satkaar Campaign establishes contact with Sunderland Sikh Association committee President

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

The Satkaar Campaign has been contacted today by concerned Sangat members, letting us know that the Sunderland Sikh Association (the SSA) has a party scheduled to take place on Saturday 19 March in a hall which is part of the Gurdwara complex. Meat and alcohol will be served at this party.

The Satkaar Campaign has contacted the President of the SSA, Manjit Singh Cheema, who has confirmed that the party, with meat and alcohol, will be taking place. The President was informed that allowing such party to take place is in direct contravention of Akaal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh, and a Benti (request) was made for the committee of the SSA to immediately comply with the 2006 Sandesh, and for such party and all future parties to be cancelled. The President then re-iterated that this party will be going ahead, since it is already booked and he (and the SSA's committee) will not cancel it. Notwithstanding this, he mentioned that the SSA respects Akaal Takhat Sahib's authority.

This is a matter of grave concern for the UK Sangat. The UK Sangat is urged, as soon as possible, to respectfully and courteously contact the SSA to remind them of their obligations to the Khalsa Panth and Akaal Takhat Sahib, and to request them to immediately cancel all parties with meat and alcohol on any property belonging to the SSA.

The UK Sangat notes that it is the duty of every Sikh to ensure that the authority of Akaal Takhat Sahib is not undermined.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Sikh Leisure Centre is property of Sunderland Sikh Association


Sunday, 6 March 2011

GNSS Dudley Gurdwara Committee deliberately misinforms UK Sangat


Press Release and Sangat Update - Dudley, UK
6 March 2011

GNSS Dudley Gurdwara Committee deliberately misinforms UK Sangat

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Since contact was first established with the GNSS Dudley Committee on 21 January 2011, it has become abundantly clear to the Satkaar Campaign's Sevadaars that the GNSS Dudley Committee have no interest in fulfilling their obligation, as caretakers of a Gurdwara Sahib, to comply with Gurmat Maryada. Rather than dealing with the issue by realising the severity of their mistake and committing to comply with Akaal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh, the GNSS Dudley Committee have embarked upon an operation to deliberately misinform the UK Sangat as to the ownership of the Sikh Cultural Centre. This extensive Sangat Update provides details and hard evidence of the ways in which the GNSS Dudley Committee have done this. This reaction by them should be a matter of extreme shame for them and their belligerent attitude has continually offended the UK Sikh Sangat.

After such campaign of misinformation, the GNSS Dudley Committee have now focussed their efforts to cover up the clear link between the Sikh Cultural Centre and the Gurdwara Sahib, and are seeking to separate the ownership of the Sikh Cultural Centre from the Gurdwara Sahib.

This proposed "solution" by the GNSS Dudley Committee is completely unacceptable to the UK Sangat because, notwithstanding any change in ownership, the hall still will have been funded by the Congregation's donations to the Gurdwara Sahib. Accordingly, this "solution" is still in breach of Akaal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh, and the UK Sangat remain united in their resolve to keep the Sikh Cultural Centre within the Gurdwara Estate. The only acceptable solution is that meat, alcohol and parties are no longer permitted at the Sikh Cultural Centre.

We repeat that the UK Sangat WILL peacefully protest whenever they learn that there is a party to be held at the Sikh Cultural Centre, whether it formally belongs to the Gurdwara Sahib (as it currently does) or whether it belongs to another Trust/Charity (as the GNSS Dudley Committee are proposing).

How did the GNSS Dudley Committee misinform the UK Sangat?

The ploys by the GNSS Dudley Committee and Trustees to misinform the UK Sangat have included, without limitation:

(1) denying that the Sikh Cultural Centre has anything to do with the Gurdwara (see Exhibit 1 - Article from Panjab Times, quoting General Secretary Jasbir Singh Rai);
Exhibit 1 - Panjab Times article (published 11/02/2011)

(2) claiming that the Sikh Cultural Centre belongs to the local Council (mentioned to various members of the UK Sangat over the telephone, and leading to the resignation of the only youth in the existing Dudley Committee - see his resignation letter attached as Exhibit 2); and

Exhibit 2 - Resignation letter (from discussion thread)

(3) removing the "Sikh Cultural Centre" signboard within a few weeks of receiving our letter (the attached picture in Exhibit 3 from Google Street View shows the hall with the signboard on; this signboard is no longer on the building).
Exhibit 3 - "Sikh Cultural Centre" signboard

Evidence of the Sikh Cultural Centre belonging to the Gurdwara Sahib

The fact that the Sikh Cultural Centre is owned, is a part of, and funded by, the Gurdwara Sahib, and hence bringing it within the jurisdiction of Akaal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh, is evidenced by the following:

(A) Title Deeds

The Title Deeds of the Sikh Cultural Centre show that it currently belongs to the Gurdwara Sahib and it is in the name of the seven trustees to whom the title of the Gurdwara Sahib is vested (see Exhibit 4);
Exhibit 4 - Title deeds

(B) Constitution of Gurdwara Sahib

The Constitution of the Gurdwara Sahib (see Exhibit 5) makes it clear that the management of the Gurdwara Sahib and the Sikh Cultural Centre are inexorably linked. Pursuant to clause 5 of the Constitution, the Executive Committee of the Gurdwara Sahib and Sangat have "ultimate control" of the Sikh Cultural Centre. Sadly, there is even an express provision which contemplates the usage of alcohol and parties at the Sikh Cultural Centre under the sub-section "Use" of clause 5 of the Constitution.

Exhibit 5 - Constitution

(C) Charity Commission financial reports

The Charity Commission reports for the Gurdwara Sahib pool the accounts of the Gurdwara Sahib and Sikh Cultural Centre together under the same charity, and even show that the Gurdwara Sahib is subsidising the Sikh Cultural Centre, i.e., that Sangat money is being used on the Sikh Cultural Centre (see Exhibit 6, a link to the Charity Commission website, from which the Charity's accounts can be found:

(D) Gurdwara Sahib 2011 Calendar

The Gurdwara Sahib Calendar for 2011 represents the Gurdwara Sahib and the Sikh Cultural Centre together, confirming yet again the link between the Gurdwara Sahib and the Sikh Cultural Centre (see Exhibit 7).
Exhibit 7 - 2011 calendar

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Further evidence: Video - Foundation of Sikh Cultural Centre Dudley laid by Gursikhs
Guru Nanak Singh Sabha has ademently claimed that the Sikh Cultural Centre is owned by the Council. This video, broadcast by Sangat Tv, proves that religious heads such as Bhai Sahib Norang Singh from GNNSJ were present along with Dudley Sangat to do ardas and lay the foundations of the Centre. If this was a Council property then why was a Sikh ceremony performed on the building site in 1990? The Sikh Cultural Centre is the property of Guru Nanak Singh Sabha Dudley.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Liverpool Gurdwara Committee lead by example

Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Liverpool

The Satkaar Campaign's Sevadaars would like to commend the Committee of Guru Nanak Gurdwara (Wellington Avenue, Liverpool) who implement a strict protocol of no meat, alcohol and tobacco at the associated Sikh Community Centre.

General notice outside Sikh Community Centre, Liverpool