Monday 31 January 2011

Sunday 30 January 2011

Satkaar Campaign - next steps: Dudley Gurdwara approached

Press Release and Sangat Update
Birmingham, UK - 25 January 2011

Satkaar Campaign - next steps: Dudley Gurdwara approached;
UK Sangat encouraged to continue approaching other offending Gurdwara committees

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

As a priority, the peaceful Satkaar Campaign is initially focused on implementing Akal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh and working to ensure that halls linked to Gurdwaras do not permit meat, alcohol, tobacco and parties. With Guru Ji's Beant Kirpaa and through the collective resolve of the Sangat, the Satkaar Campaign has had some early successes in halting certain anti-Sikh activities that used to take place in the the halls linked to the Gurdwara complexes of Grays, Edinburgh and Ramgarhia Sikh Temple Birmingham, and obtained a commitment from such Gurdwaras to comply with Akal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh. However, there are approximately 15 more Gurdwaras with linked halls currently allowing meat, alcohol, tobacco and parties, so there is a long way to go.

Although the Satkaar Campaign has been contacted by Sangat members from many different towns and cities in respect of Gurdwaras in their vicinity which contravene Akal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh, the Satkaar Campaign has prioritised and recently approached Gurdwara Guru Nanak Singh Sabha, Dudley, as we understand that the committee of this Gurdwara is currently considering burdening the local Sangat with a loan for the purposes solely of extending the party hall, so that larger/more frequent parties with meat, alcohol and tobacco can take place at the hall.

Sikh Cultural Centre is property of Gurudwara Guru Nanak Singh Sabha, Dudley

With Guru Ji's Blessings and the continued support of the UK Sangat, we intend to approach all Gurdwara committees contravening Akal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh in due course. However, as the 2006 Sandesh notes, it is the duty of every Sikh to ensure its implementation. We would encourage all members of the UK Sangat to peacefully, courteously and respectfully initiate a dialogue with offending Gurdwara committees with whom you may have any links and/or are in your area. Please do keep us updated via our email address of any developments/progress in your area and, although we will only be publicly approaching one Gurdwara at a time, we will be happy to assist members of the UK Sangat to the extent we can.

Please find attached the letter sent last week to the President of Dudley Gurdwara, Mr Ajit Singh Sandhu. He acknowledged receipt of this letter in a telephone call with him on Monday 24 January 2011. We impressed upon him in the call that it is in the beneficial interests of all involved to have a face-to-face meeting between Satkaar Sevadaars and the Dudley Gurdwara committee as soon as possible to resolve this issue, and we proposed a meeting either this weekend (29-30 January 2011) or the following weekend (5-6 February 2011). The President promised to revert to us upon further consultation with fellow committee members, though we pointed out that we will call him again later in the week if we do not hear anything further. As Sevadaars of the Sangat, we will keep you fully informed of developments.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Charity details and submitted accounts of Guru Nanak Singh Sabha, Dudley:

Punjab Times article about RST Birmingham stopping meat and alcohol at Hall

Article published 6th January 2010

Ramgarhia Sikh Temple, Birmingham agree to stop meat and alcohol parties at hall

JOINT Press Release and Sangat Update by Satkaar Sevadaars and RST Birmingham

Birmingham, UK - 13 January 2011


Peaceful rally on Saturday 15 January 2011 is cancelled though dialogue to continue in future

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Further to our previous Sangat Update on 4 January 2011, Satkaar Sevadaars and the Ramgarhia Sikh Temple (RST) Birmingham committee held an amicable and open meeting on Saturday 8 January 2011. Satkaar Sevadaars thanked the RST committee for the bold and positive step that they had taken to stop meat and alcohol parties at the Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgarhia Hall (which had previously been running for 20 or so years) and for confirmation of their intention over the longer-term to comply with Akal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh. Accordingly, the peaceful rally planned on Saturday 15 January 2011 is cancelled.

The RST committee confirmed that no future bookings will be taken for meat and alcohol parties. In relation to the existing parties that have been booked, the relevant families will be provided with the option of having a vegetarian, non-alcoholic party at the hall or having the party entirely cancelled with a refund of the initial deposit. The existing bookings run until November, though since there is an immediate ban on meat and alcohol, it is expected that most, if not all, such parties will be cancelled (as has been the case with the most immediate parties). Upon request by the RST committee, Satkaar Sevadaars will also be willing to have any discussion required with an affected family.

The only outstanding point is the situation where individuals may wish to make a new booking for the hall to be used for family parties which are vegetarian and non-alcoholic in nature, but do permit dancing. The RST committee explained that such instances are likely to be few and far between. Satkaar Sevadaars had requested that these also be stopped in accordance with the 2006 Sandesh, but the RST committee has said it is not yet in a position to agree to this due to the local situation. Satkaar Sevadaars and the RST committee have agreed that they will continue to work together on this and to maintain an ongoing dialogue to reach the Gurmat-oriented solution.

Satkaar Sevadaars also made a humble request to the RST committee for their further assistance in the wider Satkaar Campaign, and there was a discussion on other issues on which the Khalsa Panth needs to unite in order to further propagate Gurmat Maryada in all UK Gurdwaras. The RST committee and Satkaar Sevadaars discussed how they could positively work together on these issues. The RST committee also demonstrated the many positive initiatives they undertake at the Gurdwara to ensure that Gurmat flourishes in future Sikh generations, and they thanked the Satkaar Campaign for their offer to hold Gurmat Camps at the Gurdwara.

There was also a frank discussion so as to clear any misunderstandings which may have arisen. The RST committee and Satkaar Sevadaars were also in full agreement that no individuals should ever make threatening phone calls or send abusive text messages, or knowingly spread false allegations (such as the President and General Secretary of the RST committee being alcoholics) on forums/public websites in the name of promoting Gurmat Maryada. Satkaar Sevadaars explained that to the extent that any individuals have taken such actions, they could not be held responsible for their actions, and once again, Satkaar Sevadaars requests individuals to refrain from such unacceptable behaviour.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Maharaja Jassa Singh Ramgarhia Hall is property of RST, Birmingham


Sri Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar explains 2006 Sandesh

On Sikh Channel programme Panth Time (4th December 2010), Singh Sahib Jathedar Gyani Gurbachan Singh explains why any form of intoxicants (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.), and preparation or consumption of foods such as meat, fish and eggs, are not permitted on Gurdwara premises or estate.

Sunrise TV report highlighting those Gurdwaras that allow meat and alcohol onto Gurdwara property

This report was shown on Sunrise TV (Litt on Sunday 5th Dec 2010) highlighting those UK Gurdwaras who are not adhering to Akal Takht Maryada and allowing meat and alcohol to be consumed on Gurdwara Property for the sole purpose of monetary gains. Hard hitting comments from Harmander Singh (Sikhs in England) and Gurmukh Singh (Sewa UK)

Read more... 

BBC article - 'Breaking the Sikh Code'

1st December 2010
Temples 'breaking the Sikh code' on meat and alcohol

Some gurdwaras in the UK are going against their religion by serving meat and alcohol on their premises, according to an association of Sikh followers.

The UK Sangat, an association of Sikh followers, has started a national campaign to stop what it says is the violation of the basic principles of Sikhism.

Some Sikhs have protested, stopping one gurdwara in Edinburgh and one in Essex from going against the teachings.

UK Sangat said there were at least another 15 temples in Britain flouting the rules, which they planned to approach.

The Sikh religion forbids the use of alcohol and other intoxicants.

Sikhs are also not allowed eat meat - the principle is to keep the body pure.

All gurdwaras are supposed to follow the Sikh code, known as the Akal Takht Sandesh, which comes from the highest Sikh authority in India.

'Worldwide disrespect'
No alcohol, meat, fish or eggs are permitted on gurdwara property.

BBC Asian Network has seen video footage on video-sharing websites showing scenes inside British gurdwaras that have shocked some Sikhs.

The footage shows meat being served, bottles of alcohol and young people dancing and partying.

The UK Sangat said this was happening on the sacred ground of the temple, which was totally against the Sikh religion.

Hardip Singh is one the Sikhs leading the national campaign to stop what is described as "disrespect for Sikhs worldwide".

He said of gurdwaras violating the basic principles of Sikhism: "We can't tolerate it happening on our holy places.

"If you want to do it privately, we are not going to fight or argue with you, that's your business.

"But to tolerate it on holy places - we can't accept that."

In the past few weeks, the Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Edinburgh and Grays temple in Essex have apologised for breaking the Sikh code.

The UK Sangat organised a protest at Grays temple and 250 protesters demonstrated to stop a wedding party.

The religious wedding ceremony did take place but the wedding party did not.
'Immoral income'

BBC Asian Network has contacted the both gurdwaras but they declined to comment.

The UK Sangat said the parties where alcohol and meat were being served might be happening in halls next to the gurdwara, but they were still on property owned by the temple and therefore in breach of the Sikh code.

It also fears that some of that so-called "immoral income" could then be used for the lunger - the free meals provided around the clock at the gurdwara.

The gurdwaras are run with the help of donations, but also by generating their own income, and the UK Sangat believes the code is being broken mainly to raise money. Mr Singh, a devout Sikh, has been put forward by the congregation of protesters to talk to the temple committees.

"Greed has overtaken religious values and this is about money," he said.

"It's the mentality of making money rather than teaching spirituality, which is the job of a house of religion."

The issue has split communities, with some Sikh committee leaders wanting to continue breaking the code.
There has been some physical and verbal abuse as emotions have run high.

Kohinoor Singh from the UK-based television station the Sikh Channel said it had been broadcasting the protests.

He said: "It is at the moment one of the biggest issues for Sikhs in this country.

"It doesn't matter whether the hall is far away from the gurdwara or next door, as long as it contains meat and alcohol - that's not going to happen any more."

According to the UK Sangat, there are at least 15 other gurdwaras believed to be flouting the rules.

In the next year, the Sikh group said it would approach the temples peacefully and ask them to stop "anti-Sikh activities".

Edinburgh Gurdwara adhere to Akal Takht Sandesh

Press Release 16th November 2010, Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh Gurdwara adhere to Akal Takht Sandesh Meat, Alcohol and Parties no longer allowed on Gurdwara Complex.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

With Guru Ji's blessings, The Sevadars of Satkaar Committee, AKJ UK and Tarna Dal are delighted to announce that Edinburgh Gurdwara's Members and Committees have taken the historic step in agreeing to stop the hall being used for party functions, prohibiting meat, alcohol and dancing on the holy grounds of the Gurdwara Estate (please see letter below).

This is a monumental result, that has only come through the Guru's Kirpa (blessing) and the devoted effort of all the sevadars who have joined together to tackle this problem.

The Edinburgh Sangat must be congratulated for being the first Gurdwara in this new Satkaar campaign that has begun in the UK, to take the affirmative step of recognising the mistake and rectifying it.

In a statement to be released shortly by the Committee of Guru Nanak Gurdwara Edinburgh, they declare,

"We would like to pass on our gratitude to the Satkaar Committee, AKJ, Tarna Dal & GNNSJ for all their help in resolving this issue and giving us that final push to eradicate this problem and also appreciate the initial support given to us by the Respect for Guru Granth Sahib Ji campaign Sevadars.

On behalf the Edinburgh Sangat we would like to thank all who have supported in this matter there are many nameless individuals who have helped and we are very grateful to each and every one of them.

We would also like take this opportunity to encourage all other Gurdwara's who are in similar situations as we were to accept the Akal Tahkts Sandesh and put a stop to the Beadbi."

Gurcharan Singh Landa (Pardaan)

Kuldeep Singh Bhai (General Secretary)

On behalf of the sevadars, a humble thank you must also go to the UK Sangat as a whole for supporting the cause, and for becoming involved in this case. As Edinburgh have now set the trend, we are confident that others will also see that these party halls and such immoral acts must be stopped in Gurdwaras or on Gurdwara property. We hope to bring further good news in the coming week to the Sangat about the same issue that is being resolved in Grays.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Community Hall is property of Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Edinburgh


Grays Gurdwara Committee agree to adhere to Akal Takht Sandesh

Press Release
Grays, UK. 23 November 2010

Grays Gurdwara Committee agree to adhere to Akal Takht Sandesh
Meat, alcohol or parties no longer allowed on Gurdwara property

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Further to the peaceful demonstration at Grays Gurdwara on Saturday 16 October, the Committee, Trustees and local Sangat of Grays held a general meeting on Sunday 21 November, and they confirmed that they will abide by Akal Takhat Sahib's Sandesh so that no meat, alcohol or tobacco will be permitted, or parties will be held, on Gurdwara premises in the future. We are thankful to the local Sevadaars in Grays who championed this cause in the Grays Sangat.

This successful outcome, together with the closure of the party hall at Edinburgh Gurdwara just last week, has been achieved with Guru Sahib's Ji Blessings encapsulated by the collective unity and resolve of the UK Sangat (including young and old, Singhs and Kaurs, and across all Jathebandiaan and organisations) to enforce Gurmat Maryada in all Gurdwaras.

The campaign to eradicate all UK Gurdwaras of party halls which permit meat, alcohol and tobacco on their premises is extremely active. The UK Sangat is determined to tackle this issue in a peaceful, methodical and co-ordinated way, so that all Gurdwaras fulfil their obligation to abide by the Akal Takhat Sahib issued maryada (protocol).

The UK Sangat is requested to continue with their pro-active efforts of engaging peacefully, courteously and firmly with the relevant Gurdwara committees that do not abide by Akal Takhat Sahib's Sandesh. Please keep Satkaar Sevadaars informed of local developments. If required, Satkaar Sevadaars will assist local Sangat to escalate and resolve these issues, so that the satkaar and maryada for Guru Ji in all UK Gurdwaras is maintained.

In addition to the Grays and Edinburgh situations, the Sangat will shortly be provided details of a third Gurdwara in Birmingham which is refusing to comply with Akal Takhat Sahib's Sandesh. Akal Takhat Sahib has also been provided with the full details of the 15 or so Gurdwaras in the UK with party halls. Satkaar Sevadaars are awaiting an instruction from Akal Takhat Sahib regarding these 15 Gurdwara Committees. All such Gurdwaras are requested to renounce as soon as possible their anti-Sikh activities and make their institutions ones which enable our Guru's principles to flourish.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Grays Community Hall is property of Grays Gurdwara, Essex

Saturday 29 January 2011

Reactions from UK Sikh Community who attended peaceful protest at Grays on 16th October 2010

OUTSIDE THE GRAYS GURDWARA COMMUNITY HALL: Sangat express their shock towards the blatant disregard to Sikh Maryada:

IN GRAYS GURDWARA COMMUNITY HALL: Bhai Sahib commending the UK Sangat who came from across the country to stop meat and alcohol parties to be served on Gurdwara Property:

IN GRAYS GURDWARA COMMUNITY HALL: Both Bhaisahibs explain the importance of Gurdwaras for the Sikh Community and how some Gurdwaras are refusing to adhere to Sri Akal Takhat Sahib Sandesh, that clearly states that meat and alcohol is not allowed on Gurdwara owned property:


more pictures from peaceful protest in Grays, Essex:

Media coverage of Peaceful Protest on 16th October 2010 by UK Sikh Community at Grays Gurdwara

Coverage by Sikh Channel:

This programme was broadcast on 20th October 2010


Coverage by Punjab Times (21st October 2010):


Article from Your Thurrock local news (27th October 2010):

Demonstrations outside Grays Sikh temple

OVER 250 Sikh demonstrators from across the UK demonstrated outside the Grays Sikh temple in Maidstone Road in an attempt to prevent meat and alcohol from being served at a wedding.

The group confronted the temple committee who were adamant that the party would go ahead. The demonstrators went into the hall to prevent the ceremony.
Private talks over the contravention, known as Beadbi took place.

A spokesperson for the demonstrators said: “The committee said that although they agree with them, they were in no position to take a decision as their local community had approved the usage of the party hall.

After no resolution being reached, the Grays Gurdwara committee and local community have been given one month to confirm whether they will implement the ruling of no alcohol and meat.

The group, although peaceful threatened to take away a number of religious symbols next time

The whole peaceful protest was filmed by Sikh TV and Sikh Channel.

Members of the Sikh committee were contacted but did not submit a statement.

Protocol issued to UK Sikh Community for Peaceful Protest on 16th October 2010 at Grays Gurdwara in Essex UK

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji Ki Fateh!

Protocol for meeting scheduled with Grays Gurdwara Committee on 16th October 2010.

Gursikhs are requested to start gathering at the Grays Gurdwara at 12pm sharp. A meeting with the committee has been requested for 2pm.

A large Gursikh presence is requested to show the Grays Gurdwara Committee that the UK Sikh Sangat has been deeply hurt by the sacrilege of allowing meat, alcohol and tobacco within the Gurdwara premises and properties where Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is present

  • Gursikhs attending must understand that there may still not be a resolve during the meeting 
  • Gursikhs must show restraint and conduct themselves respectfully even when addressing the Gurdwara Committee members or any attendees of the Party
  • Intimidation or violent behaviour will NOT be tolerated
  • Support those Gursikhs who will be taking a lead on the day
  • Do not come looking intimidating i.e. do not wear hoodies or any face coverings. To show solidarity please wear blue Dastars, Rumallas and Chunnis
  • No swearing or slogans will be permitted, you must partake in Naam Simiran, Mool Mantra and Chaupai Sahib Jaap to receive blessings from Guruji
  • Gursikhs must educate the unaware and the foolish about Gursikh principles and Akal Takhat Rehit Maryada, leaflets will be available for distribution
  • The power of Gursikhs (men and women, old and young) turning up in large numbers, showing solidarity and restraint, adhering to Guruji principles, will portray a stronger message to this committee and the other Gurdwara committees who allow this beadbi to happen on a weekly basis in Gurdwara properties
  • Sikh Tv & Sikh Channel will be present for you to voice your concerns to the wider Sikh Community
  • Sevadaars will provide Langar on the day

This is the first time in many years that the Sikh Community collectively will be standing up to stop this beadbi from happening across the UK. It could take many years to eradicate this from our Community and your support will be need over this time.


UK Sikh Community's reaction to Grays Gurdwara's decision

Letter from Sri Akal Takht Sahib to Grays Gurdwara Committee:

News articles about Grays Gurdwara passing resolution to serve meat & alcohol on Gurdwara property

Panthic Weekly article (2nd June 2010):

Essex, UK (KP) – With great shock, shame and disgust, Khalsa Press was been informed that on Sunday 30th May 2010, the 12 member Committee of Grays Gurdwara were overruled by the local sangat who ignorantly voted to allow the serving of meat and alcohol at parties that would be held at the premises of the Gurdwara complex.

Eight of the twelve Gurdwara committee members were against the proposal to allow meat, alcohol and parties at the annexed hall within the Gurdwara complex, however four members were in favour. The four members managed to influence the remaining committee to have an Annual General Meeting open to the local Sangat, in which they strategically placed a large number of their family members within the voting sangat who were then able to swing the vote in their favour.

Although common sense for any Sikh, the Akal Takht Sandesh of 2006 strictly forbade meat, alcohol, intoxicants, singing, dancing or any activities that go against the principles of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on any property owned or controlled by a Gurdwara Sahib. The Akal Takht Sandesh was articulately presented to the local Grays sangat, however the Sandesh was completely ignored and disrespected by the voting Sangat.

Around nine independent individuals from the wider UK sangat (not from Grays) attended the AGM but were not allowed to participate in the vote and were later verbally and physically abused as they questioned the sacrilegious decision made by the local sangat. One of the individuals had his turban pulled and was then assaulted by members of the local Grays sangat as he left the Gurdwara hall after voicing his concerns.

Subsequently, at the end of this AGM a sub committee was formalised to manage the bookings of this Gurdwara annexed hall.

The entire Sikh Sangat must wake up to this gross violation of Gurmat and disrespect of the sanctity of the Guru’s House. We have received various reports that a small group of individuals in the Leamington & Warwick sangat are stirring trouble and wish to overrule the Gurdwara resolutions passed last year by the Gurdwara Committee which stated that no alcohol, meat or parties could be held on the Gurdwara premises or any building owned by the Gurdwara Sahib.

Individuals and groups that seek to overrule Gurmat and violate the sanctity of the Guru Ghar for their own benefit will be exposed to the worldwide Sikh community and their names will be brought to the light of the Sri Akal Takht.


Despardes Weekly article (18th June 2010):

Official Formalisation of the Satkaar Campaign - 16 October 2010

The Satkaar Campaign was formalised on Saturday 16 October 2010, when hundreds of concerned members of the UK Sikh Community – young and old, male and female, amritdhaari and non-amritdhaari, from all Panthic Jathebandiaan and backgrounds – travelled from far and wide to peacefully protest against a proposed party at Grays Gurdwara in Essex, UK, which would see alcohol, tobacco and meat permitted on Gurdwara premises. With Guru Ji's blessings, the party was prevented from occurring.

More importantly, the UK Sikh Community came together on Saturday 16 October 2010 to express frustration at all UK Gurdwara committees who show flagrant disregard for Gurmat Maryada (Sikh Principles) and openly defy Akal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh. Indeed, the final sentence of the 2006 Sandesh itself mentions that the worldwide Sikh Community must strictly observe the Gurmat principles set out in the 2006 Sandesh. Therefore, the UK Sangat's authority to enforce Gurmat Maryada in all UK Gurdwaras in relation to this issue comes directly from Akal Takhat Sahib, the supreme policy/decision-making body of the Sikhs. Bearing all this in mind, the UK Sangat did an Ardaas (Prayer) that day in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj to uphold Akal Takhat Sahib's 2006 Sandesh in all UK Gurdwaras.
First Hukamnama from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:
dhhanaasaree ma 5 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla:
so kath ddarai j khasam samhaarai ||
One who contemplates his Lord and Master - why should he be afraid?
ddar ddar pachae manamukh vaechaarae ||1|| rehaao ||
The wretched self-willed manmukhs are ruined through fear and dread. ||1||Pause||
sir oopar maath pithaa guradhaev ||
The Divine Guru, my mother and father, is over my head.
safal moorath jaa kee niramal saev ||
His image brings prosperity; serving Him, we become pure.
eaek nira(n)jan jaa kee raas ||
The One Lord, the Immaculate Lord, is our capital.
mil saadhhasa(n)gath hovath paragaas ||1||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, we are illumined and enlightened. ||1||
jeean kaa dhaathaa pooran sabh t(h)aae ||
The Giver of all beings is totally pervading everywhere.
kott kalaes mittehi har naae ||
Millions of pains are removed by the Lord's Name.
janam maran sagalaa dhukh naasai ||
All the pains of birth and death are taken away
guramukh jaa kai man than baasai ||2||
from the Gurmukh, within whose mind and body the Lord dwells. ||2||
jis no aap leae larr laae ||
He alone, whom the Lord has attached to the hem of His robe,
dharageh milai thisai hee jaae ||
obtains a place in the Court of the Lord.
saeee bhagath j saachae bhaanae ||
They alone are devotees, who are pleasing to the True Lord.
jamakaal thae bheae nikaanae ||3||
They are freed from the Messenger of Death. ||3||
saachaa saahib sach dharabaar ||
True is the Lord, and True is His Court.
keemath koun kehai beechaar ||
Who can contemplate and describe His value?
ghatt ghatt a(n)thar sagal adhhaar ||
He is within each and every heart, the Support of all.
naanak jaachai sa(n)th raenaar ||4||3||24||
Nanak begs for the dust of the Saints. ||4||3||24||

Second Hukamnama from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:

Dhanaasree mehlaa 5.Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:

doot dusman sabh tujh tay nivrahi pargat partaap tumaaraa.
All demons and enemies are eradicated by You, Lord; Your glory is manifest and radiant.

jo jo tayray bhagat dukhaa-ay oh tatkaal tum maaraa. ||1||
Whoever harms Your devotees, You destroy in an instant. ||1||

nirkha-o tumree or har neet.
I look to You continually, Lord.

muraar sahaa-ay hohu daas ka-o kar geh uDhrahu meet. rahaa-o.
O Lord, Destroyer of ego, please, be the helper and companion of Your slaves; take my hand, and save me, O my Friend! ||Pause||

sunee bayntee thaakur mayrai khasmaanaa kar aap.
My Lord and Master has heard my prayer, and given me His protection.

naanak anad bha-ay dukh bhaagay sadaa sadaa har jaap. ||2||13||44||
Nanak is in ecstasy, and his pains are gone; he meditates on the Lord, forever and ever. ||2||13||44||


Sandesh issued by Sri Akal Takht Sahib - April 2006.

As the Sikhs’ supreme authority, Sri Akal Takht Sahib has voiced its concerns by issuing a new 'Sandesh' strongly reinforcing Sikh Rehit Maryada (Sikh Code of Conduct) and Gurmat (Sikh principles) on the following issues:

• Any form of intoxicants (alcohol, drugs etc) and preparation or consumption of foods such as meat, fish and eggs are not permitted on Gurdwara property.

• Guru-ka-Langar should be prepared and observed in accordance to Gurus' maryada (tradition).

• No person under the influence of intoxicants is allowed inside Gurdwara property.

• Inside the property of the Guru Sahibs, only the recital of Gurbani, katha, kirtan and reccounting of the Gurus' history are permitted.

• Buildings bought or constructed using the Daswand (one tenth of earnings) of the Sikh Sangat or Gurdwara donations are solely to be used to be used for Gurmat purposes and the betterment of society.

• Anand Karajs (Sikh wedding ceremonies) etc must be performed in Gurdwaras in accordance to Gurmat and the Panthic accepted Sikh Rehit Maryada.

• There is no permission granted for dancing and singing or any acts which go against the principles of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Hukamnama (Religious Order) released by Sri Akal Takht Sahib (Sikh Throne of Authority), Punjab in March 1998

This Hukamanama instructs that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Sikh Holy Scriptures treated as the living Guru) must not be taken to a hotel, banqueting suite, club, pub, bar etc for Anand Karaj’s (Sikh religious wedding ceremony) as this is direct abuse to Sikh Principles. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji must not be present where alcohol, meat or tobacco is served or consumed.

This decision was made with unanimous agreement from the Jathedars (Sikh Leaders) of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Sri Patna Sahib, Sri Damdama Sahib, Sri Keshgarh Sahib & Sri Hazur Sahib.

All Granthis (Sikh Priests), Ragis (Sikh Minstrals), Gurdwara (Sikh Place of Worship) Committee Members and Organisers of Sikh Related Programmes must not partake in this sacrilegious act. Sikh Rehit Maryada (Sikh Code of Conduct) must be maintained and adhered to in all circumstances.

Those who act in direct conflict to this Hukamnama will face Pesh (penalty) from Sri Akal Takht Sahib.